
Fire and Aviation TV begun as a media and consulting company. Original plans were to begin contracting with major networks and subsidiaries of those networks. As founder of Fire and Aviation TV travel and meeting with a few major networks in both New York January 2020 and Los Angeles in February 2020. March 2020 with shelter in place and a near halt of worldwide travel and business ceased along with all future progress.

Like millions we struggled but kept the business afloat therefore starting from scratch again in 2023. Other opportunities arose in different ways from the original plan. Having not changed the company’s name and the last few years more on a media base at the beginning. Though other opportunities have kept the name and company afloat.

With April 2024 a new focus on so much more from years of experience in both airport operations, fire rescue and other bring a wide spectrum of experience and services available. Our coverage in many events has been covered here and, on our twitter, account now known as X. Our statistics and viewer numbers are high for the month of January better than predictions which is good as we reached large audience.

Focus and Future Business

Moving forward we are able to continue in the media platform X (Formerly known as Twitter) under our name fireandaviation.

There are two major divisions. One is fire for which we have taken ownership of website FD and Rescue.com where a complete rebuild is required and will do so from now until June 2024. In addition to that there are three subcategories under consulting and design we can provide starting summer 2024.

1 – Fire Station Design

2 – Fire equipment (used)

3 – Consulting services to cities and municipalities

For aviation division as a former shift manager and experience working September 11, 2001, at an airport something this Founder / Owner will never forget. For future months available for the following services and contracts

1 – Airport Ambassador

2 – Media Marketing and Socia Media Mangement

3 – Planning, consulting and update training on airport operations

Contact E Mail [email protected]

Amended Editorial Fire and Aviation TV May 13 2024.


Aviation Division of Fire and Aviation TV

We provide daily reports as we have over the last three years through X media platform (formerly known as Twitter) This service is provided Monday through Friday mornings. These come out after we research and receive other reports between 8.30am and 9.30am Central time zone.

Aviation division gives you up to date and sometimes breaking news of events that are major or otherwise affecting any travelers in any region. When travelling it can be stressful too, we take some of that stress out by providing information Monday through Friday.

Aviation division can also provide management and general airports operations consulting or management contracted out by Fire and Aviation TV. Again, the name TV throws some off but eventually we will have our own network. Meanwhile 2024 we are here to grow our network through LinkedIn and other sources.

This brings to the table past years of experience from a management perspective and experience. Other avenues are open and available. There is so much we can and will look forward to this year 2024.

Fire and Aviation TV January 4, 2024 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Development and Future Beginning with Success

May 2021 there is millions of stories that this world can tell you from the coronavirus global pandemic. Many lives were lost among families, and business lost or depleted. Others soldier on like us to better days.

Development into the future we look at the world different than what it was. Our dedication is to those who serve in both Fire and Aviation. We never thought it would keep us so glued to a desk as now we are venturing out looking for other avenues to be more productive and profitable. The passion, the dedication, the years of past bring us to a whole new chapter in life.

We honor and respect everyone this Memorial Weekend coming up 2021 with heavy hearts. Along with this a HUGE thank you to everyone that got us through the pandemic bringing us to the current day. Fire and Aviation TV moves forward to seeing better business the next several months to complete towards the end of the year 2021. Three major categories in general are Fire Service. Aviation development, planning, and communication for business media. Fire and Aviation TV brings to the table many years and positive results in getting the job and projects done successfully.

Our history and dedication go without saying we are here for you.

Fire and Aviation TV  05/20/21


Media Changes and December 2020

Without a doubt the last ten months have been exceedingly difficult worldwide and for us. Covid19, coronavirus has changed this world forever and many things we take for granted we can or cannot do anymore. This makes everyone appreciate others and things that we do much more.

During the summer of 2020 we returned 7/7 under phase one and expected to be in full swing by December 2020. Well back in our mind we knew there could be a second wave in the fall season as weather changes. So here we December 2, 2020 as a world praying for this to be over. We are operating but only on a solid phase 2 and not a 3 so we call it phase 2.5. That being said there is light and positive progress ahead of us worldwide. A vaccine is on the horizon.

Globally we all need to see the vaccine produced and distributed worldwide. Its going to take time and patience that many of us need to see, progress. From small business to airlines we are all hurting and need this to work. We do not need and cannot afford another country shutdown. We are all in this together but need everyone to pitch in by wearing masks for one and other contingencies to help prevent this coronavirus overcoming us.

Fire and Aviation TV is like millions of other looking forward to 2021 as positive changes and better world we currently live in. We are not going away even though we have had our setbacks the last three months trying to get back to normal. There is no normal at this time and will take some time to get there. We are however focusing on a new normal and positive progress for 2021 and many years ahead. Therefore, changes and adapting like the fire service must do constantly. December will be month for us to remember as major change will take place this month for Fire and Aviation TV. We look forward to 2021 and many years ahead building business and partnerships with promotions.

Source fire and Aviation TV 12/02/20


Fire and Aviation TV April 9, 2020 Update

From us at Fire and Aviation TV to all front-line workers we thank you forever doing the job you are there for everyone. The world has been turned upside down in so many ways. Our hearts and prayers go out to this world that’s hurting beyond belief. Be strong come together help if you can those that need help. Globally both fire and aviation has changed in different ways. Again, from Fire and Aviation TV we thank all of you on the front line, all jobs and careers.

As far as our business this has affected us too. We are grounded since the beginning of March and still to May 1, doing what is asked. After so much has happened worldwide the airline and travel industry will forever be changed. We learn from so much, yet this pandemic constantly continues to affect everyone around the world.

Fire and aviation tv, is about to change its course as to the way we see the future and do business. Our course may change from time to time but focusing on some of the original plans. With many years of experience in the fire department and working side by side at airports we will prevail.  After Easter weekend we will be gearing up for the changes. No matter what happens it is in our heart to continue as a company and adapt to change.

Airports we know many are reduced to a small percentage with consolidation of terminals and operations. At Changi International Airport, Singapore for example. Beginning May 1, 2020 they will suspend terminal 2 operations for 18 months to consolidate their operations at the airport. Many of the world’s airports are consolidating where some around the world shutdown operations for a period of time. We are here for you reporting, planning working on future development. Things are not going to change overnight neither is our past content on this site. Moving forward we are working with another company. Building on that relationship, prior communication with others and future business. We look forward to a better day and share the positive signs when we can. Stay safe, stay strong worldwide we are here for you.

Meanwhile due to the mass media of global events we will share through Twitter https://twitter.com/fireandaviation?lang=en

Editorial Fire and Aviation TV 04/09/20
