Easter weekend air travel caused multiple cancellations with Delta Airlines. Some reports are claiming up 100 flights cancelled due to staff shortages. So, Delta did the only thing possible fill the middle seats.
Other airlines that have been already flying middle seats only to find full flights operating this weekend. Many airports are reporting record traffic numbers from previous years. For example, St Louis reported as many people travelling in two days during April already compared to the entire month of April 2020
Courtesy Fire and Aviation TV Courtesy Fire and Aviation TV
At Fire and Aviation TV we were trying to make some reservations the beginning of this month only to find no capacity available on the flights desired for the next three weeks in April. After further research we found more demand for flights from Wednesdays through Sunday’s. Also, it does not make it any easier with fuel costs on the rise that airline tickets are far more expensive with many airlines.
Recently Southwest has held back its reservations for mid-August and beyond. They have now opened with the bonus with the return of the Boeing Max 8 coming back in service. So, there is without a doubt a sudden surge of demand that outpaces capacity for flying. This was inevitable at some point just many never thought it would be this sudden. Good news for airport retailers for those that are still in business. It has been a very tough 12 months without a doubt for the airports as much as the airlines. Time to spring forward with a projected path for increase for flights for the near future.
Source Fire and Aviation TV 04/05/21