US Military Forces

Brief Military Forces Page Update

October 2024 still so many conflicts around this world. A unprecedented time in history. Due to time restraints, we keep this page up pending future edits down the road late 2024.

No other details currently other than we have not forgotten about any of you. Now is not the time but at a later date once we re-establish connections.

Editorial Fire and Aviation TV October 21, 2024


80 Year Anniversary D – Day

With all the wars and all the History. This day, June 6, 1944, will never be forgotten. To date those brave men and women with still some alive today.

Omaha Beach Normandy as the U.S. first infantry waded through the ocean to land on the beach. Along side by side were both British and Canadian troops. A courageous amount of force to take the beach and the beginning to end World War 2.

Landscape File Photo ( CPHom Robert F Sargent )

As the few the proud that were there are visiting one more time. D Day the time were freedom at a very costly price for many. The price of freedom is not free. Grandfather and to those who did survive nothing but true grit gumption and pride. May we all learn the lesson of history and of this day June 6, 1944.

Editorial Fire and Aviation TV June 6, 2024


Memorial Day Never Forget

As the owner of Fire and Aviation TV we will never forget those who served and those who lost their lives. Forever in memory and deepest thoughts to the heart. God Bless everyone this Memorial Weekend and Memorial Day.

Fire and Aviation TV May 24 2024


Military and Aircraft

May 2024 has seen not just the commercial aviation division extending the life of commercial aircraft due to shortages. Military forces and divisions are seeing aircraft once stored and a future unknown be revived.

Extended and new lease of life for some including upgrades and retrofitting. Even of recent US just purchased six Korean Air Boeing 747 aircraft for projects.

Just because it’s not new does not mean to say it’s not good. Being as we call it seasoned, not old is getting upgrades and new lease of life. A great maintenance program can extend the original lease of life for many military or converted commercial aircraft.

Editorial Fire and Aviation TV May 13, 2024  


US Military Forces

The world has changed in so many ways from then up to the end of December 2023. As of, January 29, 2024, the Middle east and other areas around the world have changed and not in a good way.

Due to sensitive situations, we will revisit what can and cannot be posted moving forward. It is our strong thoughts and mind that we will currently hold off making any reports in this division until Spring of 2024.

Source Fire and Aviation TV 01/29/24


US Military Forces Page

First a HUGE thank you to all branches of the military. These last few years especially have been more than stressful unbelievable. We feel a small part of your stress anger and frustration.

Time and event have had us restrained beyond our wildest dreams. We aim for 2022 to be far better and eventually given the right time and contract look at the New Year with optimism. From Texas to Washington DC, we use to commute for both personal and business. That now must change in order to better serve you for the better.

We like to wish you all a great and safe holiday season. May the New Year bring a brighter and better future for you. Happy holidays, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year 2022

Source Fire and Aviation TV 12/13/21


Bagram Airbase 20 Years of Operations Saying Goodbye Overnight

As the end of last week overnight the last of US forces departed Bagram Airbase. Some 20 years of fighting and based in Afghanistan. From Airforce one to many others that flew in and out of this secure military base for US operations.

For us we remember the tragic loss of the cargo Boeing 747 and seven lives lost. The year 2013, and the images never forget. The cargo airline National Airlines was the one involved. For many military ops and transport were a normal daily part of operations. A fortress and protected area. What was once the heartbeat of many operations is a distant memory overnight.

For now, as President Biden pulls out all American Military from this base. Many think though this might not be the right decision. Technology and warfare has changed in leaps and bounds where what was is now, no longer efficient means. Sure, twenty years ago it was needed, and Bagram Airbase has served its time. Now though even though local Afghan forces take ownership of the rundown old base military operations take a new chapter.

From aircraft to the boots on the ground a move that was inevitable and strategically correct. No matter what happens in this ever-changing world new ways for fighting and combat will adapt to changes. This goes for the same in fire and aviation in general. As we are slowly coming out of a worldwide pandemic changes are inevitable. Now is the time to make major changes the way we live our lives and look to the future.

We will be surround by supersonic commercial flying in a few years to come. Along with flying cars and taxis. We will have dominos pizza delivering our lunch or dinner with automted vehicles or drones. UPS, Fed Ex and others like them, even the Fire Service will be using drones to be more efficient than ever. Technology and a whole new chapter in life is beginning again, as is military operations.

Fire and Aviation TV 07/08/21


Air Force Gains Though Still Short

Since March 2020, the Air Force gained around 200 pilots. However, from then until May 2021 during the pandemic of Covid19 pilots stayed on longer with the air force. Many did this due to the uncertainty of civilian jobs questionable.

During the last 15 months even though the air force gained pilots they are still short some 1,900 airmen and women. In order to fulfill the amount needed is 21,000. As of May 2021, they are still short of the minimum requirements needed to fulfill those seats.

According to sources that gives 94 percent active-duty manned aircraft all in all. From fighters to reconnaissance planes being operated. As 91 per cent are active military full time the other 3 per cent filled by Air National Guard. This being said the military is flexible yet very versatile and continue to recruit with a wide seem of positions.

Source Fire and Aviation TV 06/25/21



Middle of May 2021 and we are almost halfway through 2021. About six weeks shy without a doubt and so much going on in this world more so for the US Military. All six branches are seeing much action and activity. We soon will honor those on Memorial weekend and always salute you all.

We began this division of Fire and Aviation with a whole different forecast of events. Originally as a backup from an incredibly old source in the military press was going to be shelved. We had to honor and respect all those who have served and serve at this time. Thus, US Military Forces division was born, and this page dedicated to all.

Had things gone the way we thought we were looking to have added some to assist and grow this division of Fire and Aviation TV. As we all see the world change rapidly, we are putting a pause on this page until after Memorial weekend. We are going back to basics for now and re assessing our playbook in operations. We would like to see this grow with the assistance from someone with military background and media / editorial experience. That will come sometime late this summer 2021 hopefully. Until then Godspeed and Goodwill to all men and women in the service.

Fire and Aviation TV 05/12/21


US Military Forces Division  

US Military Forces has five Branches all for which we intended to cover. Along with that our intention was also to go back to normal thinking we could. Sadly, Coronavirus, as we know very well as Covid19 has prevented anything but normal. Over a year now but in July when we came out of Shelter in place many aspirations to expand.

Video Share via Military Archive of AC 130 Gunship in Action Exercise Emerald Warrior

We are still waiting but this wait may not be much longer. Still taking the precautions and wearing face masks we are careful also in our planning. Slow and methodical we normally be said in other status. We around the world are far from normal status. Moving forward Summer of 2021 we anticipate expanding to some normal operations under this new world we all live in. We have for months ahead some preliminary plans to add people to our editorial editions including former or active military.

Eager to report from all five branches with coverage of the newest US Space Force. Along with sharing video and editorial of aircraft like the C130 and fire fighting with the five branches.

Source Fire and Aviation TV 04/05/21


U.S.S Bonhomme Richard to be Decommissioned After Fire

Back in July 12 this year US navy sailors had a major fire fight with all hands-on deck. The fire broke out during a period of being refurbished in San Diego. Fire fighting efforts by the Federal Fire Department and US Navy took days to extinguish during that time causing major damage to the U.S.S. Bonhomme Richard (LHD6) . Even Helicopter Sea Combat Squadrons (HSC 3) endured hours trying to cool down the flight deck and superstructure.

Share Via You Tube Courtesy of U.S. Navy

Fire crews were doing interior firefighting and externally at the water line tugboats were providing firefighting support for the Navy. The fire took days to extinguish. A report and investigation is still ongoing. However, November 30, 2020 after much consideration and tally of the Wasp-Class amphibious assault ship damage it was deemed too expense to repair. Thus, moving forward a decision to decommission the U.S.S. Bonhomme Richard (LH6) . This final decision was released by the Secretary of the Navy Kenneth J. Braithwaite. The ship was assigned to the U.S. Pacific Fleet. Originally commissioned August 15, 1998. A short life but deep in tradition and history and will be missed.

Source Fire and Aviation TV 12/02/20


We Remember this Veterans Day

A day where we all should have taken a moment of silence and honor and respect all Veterans today. With the sacrifice being away from friends and family serving our country. In addition to this do not forget the Canadian Remembrance Day is today November 11, 2020. No matter US or Canadian side by side we remember and salute you. We thank you for your service.

We also remembered and paid respects November 10, 2020 to the Us Marines. Celebrated the 245TH Birthday of the Marine Corp. Its an honor to have friend that served and even in the past Fire and Aviation owner in previous business hired a Marine. Back in the Gulf War times when this world was so different.

For all the fire and rescue and first responders to all doctors, nurses and hospital employees we think you. At Fire and Aviation TV we have given our time over the years too. On this note we move forward and will continue to get more involved even though we can not turn the clock back. We can move forward and making things great again being the American way.

Source Fire and Aviation TV 11/11/20


Pure Honor to Serve

No matter what rank you stand at serving is a true honor regardless. The ultimate as many will tell you are aboard an aircraft carrier. From bunker beds below the flight deck to other quarters on board just pure excitement and exhilaration.

Recent visit to the USS Carl Vinson, underway in the Pacific Ocean when Defense Secretary Dr. Mark T. Esper visited, September. 17, 2020. He joined them during flight operations on the Nimitz-class nuclear aircraft carrier was aboard for a speech. With so much going on in this world his speech was to give those on board an understanding and guidance as to where the Navy will have a more balanced force for which it can deliver effectively from all domains. What are those you ask they are sea, land, air, space and cyberspace.

With Space Force not becoming a stranger and more clarified branch among other military branches since December 2019 all divisions are being upgraded and updated. With technology developing in rapid succession thus Navy leading in a positive more advanced diversity with others. United States Navy is more than capable to stand against any enemy forces and part of that speech was to bring all those inline with the latest information and understanding.

The Navy also plays the key role of maintaining freedom of navigation and commerce around the globe was mentioned by Defense Secretary on board the aircraft carrier. He also mentioned to those on board that the U.S carrier fleet stacks up against any of those in the rest of the world.

U.S. fighter aircraft are constantly adapting to the latest technology and manufacturers look ahead in new development of future fighter aircraft that can ultimately serve on U S carriers. In todays world of advanced technology id far greater than ten to twenty ago without a doubt. US Forces continue to modernize its forces.

Source Fire and Aviation TV 09/18/20


Changes and Diversity

As we returned this month after a major hiatus due to this pandemic covid19 we have sought to be different. We adhered to the shelter in place and social distancing, Now we are going to make major changes and diversify our company. Having experience in fire fighting and aviation field there is something more Fire and Aviation TV can do. No matter what to serve and protect, then it came to us.

Looking at the emails received and number of events recently going on it is no secret even the US Military has fire and aviation needs. Other major factors and the change of emails we have received gives us new meaning of serving. US forces and Military need an outside platform for media that has its best interests at heart. Therefore, we have a decision and announcement to make.

Effective July 22, 2020 Fire and Aviation TV will start a new division US Military Forces covering the six military branches:

Air Force


Marine Corps


Coast Guard

Space Force

The six military branches we will cover to ensure those serving get the information and media due. From this day forward we will build moving forward to assist making stronger media and networks. Based on the few contacts we have it will be an honor to serve in a limited capacity.

Source Fire and Aviation TV 07/22/20


Dwight D. Eisenhower and San Jacinto Break U.S. Navy Record

Courtesy US Navy Outreach

A month ago on June 25, 2020 the aircraft carrier USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN69) (Ike) and the guided missile cruiser USS San Jacinto (CG56) the escort ship have been as sea for 161 days. This record back then in June broke the US Navy record thus forward setting a new record at sea.

Times like these there are going to be circumstances of the different normal. Both ships departed homeport Norfolk VA back on January 17, 2020.  They continue to follow onwards to the 6th and 5th fleet areas of operation.

Source US Navy Outreach / Edited By Fire and Aviation TV 07/30/20


New Base and New Challenges US Space Force

We are just getting started on the five US Military Branches. As the US Space Force just announced there is a new main Base for them at Buckley Air Force Base. Located in Aurora Colorado where many will be pleased as to its location. The US Space Force main base is a personal favorite for two reasons. Having attended a gala in the winter December 2019 at the Wings Over the Rockies we love this place. The winter gala, honored host and speaker Captain Sully Sullenberger. Located a mere eight miles from each other is one thing and having a friend that is on Aurora fire department just adds the excitement for many. This now makes it a favorite if ever honored to visit.

Air Force bases across the country along with the support of US Space Command builds a strong start to the new US military branch, US Space Force. Buckley Air Force base is home to 460th space wing. The selection of base command is unique and one of the best decisions as Cheyenne Mountain AFS is located in Colorado Springs. This is also the home of Peterson Airforce Base in Colorado Springs. Building a network of bases and possible that many will be renamed in time to come as they join the ranks and Military Branch of US Space Force.

Logistics and demographics will take time, but we are sure they have a head start. U.S Space command will also serve as the First Chief of space operations in charge of the US Space Force. Already challenges of a different nature have come to light regarding Russian activity on anti-satellite weapons tests. This is the first major chapter for the new US Military Branch. Now is the time to make the necessary communications with said agencies and various equipment available. Now is the time to bring it up to speed as various other countries around the world have space interests and equipment. Weapons and defending the many satellites above us without a doubt to bring this under one unified command.  

Source Fire and Aviation TV 07/29/20


New Military Branch Logo

United States Space Force unveiled its official logo, Wednesday July 22. Not only is it a new logo it is officially the new chapter and beginning of a greater force. “Semper Supra” which translates from Latin to English “Always Above”. Unique and ironic this is the beginning of many great things like our new division covering US Military Forces.

The striking logo is a very impressive delta shape with the words below, United States SPACE FORCE. Long way from the early days along with NASA and the beginning of the Shuttle. We remember as far back as the Challenger which as we all know had a tragic end. No matter what they pushed forward with improvements and to make it as safe as possible.

Over the years and having personal views of take offs and landings the shuttle program got many of us interested in space and the possibilities. US military branch Space Force was founded December 20, 2019 as an independent service. Former years guided and shared with Air force space command. As we like to call it USAF space division. Then again it was always worded differently than our idea. This idea though with the new logo goes without a doubt the best way to move forward in time. We applaud those for this move and new logo.

Source Fire and Aviation.TV 07/24/20
