First, we like to say its good to hear certain airports breaking numbers of passenger volume pre covid19. A rush as one would say to get back in the air. Two major factors make for higher fares. Lack of flights vs volume, and fuel costs. Other factors are now playing a role with the beleaguered Boeing 737 Max8 new problems. Additional to this is Leap 9 engines facing corrosion due to storge last year will need extra inspections.
Something else is sharp incline which is not good in any way. Altercations, assaults at airports and on-board aircraft. We have reported and shared news on some. As editor and C.E.O. of Fire and Aviation TV it happened on one of our many flights last week on arrival at the gate. Unjustified altercation that became physical between two separate couples. Totally uncalled for and should never have happened!! This must stop sheer senseless of stupidity of all these outbursts of violence, among others.
Courtesy Fire and Aviation TV Courtesy Fire and Aviation TV
Fire Departments and all first responders are slowly getting a lighter load of call volume. Needless to say, not all areas but the majority as many are getting vaccinations. Still the calls keep coming regardless though it is improving. As we are now in May many cities are up against the wall on budgets. Some are looking to cut costs and believe or not some are cutting some funding for fire rescue. Now is not the time to do this. Upgrades of equipment and replacement of apparatus is a must in order to serve the communities it protects. Fire and Aviation TV will be working on projects to advance our lines of communication and future contracts.
With May comes weather that sometimes can be severe that causes a need for resources in both fire and rescue. Also, when you are flying its necessary for pilots to contact FAA and request alternative flight path to avoid storms. Thus, making for delays and at times a cancellation. This is another reason its important to have morning reports which we provide six mornings a week on twitter. So, buckle up stay safe and stay calm look forward to better days ahead.
Source Fire and Aviation TV 05/05/21