When Fire and Aviation TV visited New York in January 2020 we met with a few corporations. We knew in the back of our mind that the world was in serious trouble with a virus called the coronavirus. Having met a few in New York and even got the door slammed shut by some major networks we were not giving up.
Los Angeles in February our fears and projections were coming more to light about coronavirus. While in LA we cut out trip short in light of what we had seen firsthand and learned. Before leaving we had set up some meetings and knocked on some major network’s doors. One aircraft leasing company gave us the run around, and another stated the airline industry will not be affected by us or anyone.
Well, to a certain aircraft leasing company you were wrong. The airline industry has suffered and will continue to struggle worldwide for a while. Just because one market is flourishing does not mean all markets worldwide are going to do the same. History can prove this we believe.
About us we stand for the small and even large companies. We will learn to adapt and change as the world is changing rapidly now for a far different future. Protocols, policies will change and its not going to be the same old circle of people. Business as usual and the no need to change it attitude must be let go! With this we congratulate two airlines like Avelo Airlines and Breeze Airways. Canada, we like to congratulate on Flair Airlines going ahead with the expansion and doing the right thing. We encourage many to make a difference with positive approach.
Fire and Aviation TV is looking to be at an airport and more involved. If we cannot get in the front door with huge or old school corporations were take another approach with those that care. We will work with ones who want to make a change be positive and eager to excel. Were not like the old suit and tie at large company accepting million dollar or huge bonuses just for talking to governments for bailout. We are about rolling up our sleeves accepting whatever comes our way with respect and a heartfelt thank you. We are here for YOU. The first responder, the unions with airlines and the fire departments. We are here for you, the hard-working safety and budget conscious fliers wanting to fly. We are here for you.
Fire and Aviation TV 07/07/21