Extreme and sometimes excessive heat has caused major wildfires in Canada and western states. As far south as Arizona killing people and ruining lives and living. For several years we have said and stated that there needs to be change. Why you ask because of a climate crisis. During our years in the fire service wanting to help in California. However, my services could not be spared and all we could do was watch from afar!!
Courtesy Fire and Aviation TV Courtesy Fire and Aviation TV
Europe this last week and weekend suffering from unimaginable devastation and loss of many lives. Many parts of Holland, Belgium and Germany suffering the worse. Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel having visited some affected areas stated this is a climate related disaster. Even Britain made their first ever excessive heat alert today. That is the first time in the country’s entire history with extreme, excessive heat, Monday July 19, 2021.
Over parts of the world over the last several years have experienced many events caused by climate change. Remember a few years ago the massive wildfires destroying the bush and killing thousands of animals. Yet many world leaders and those of authority did nothing excessive to change the course. Finally, now with Germany realizing this and other parts of the European council. One of the industries it first made attacks on if the aviation industry in Europe. Here in the U.S. mainstream commercial currently airing with children in the commercial and as a six-year-old boy says. You figure it out I’m only six.
With that said we feel that is a powerful add that should hit home to all those who can make a change with laws and environmental protection. Honestly, we are a little late for that, but major prevention can probably slow the eroding issue of the world we live in.
Source Fire and Aviation TV 07/19/21