Never Forget is something many thousands of us will never ever forget. For many media outlets this week we have watched a few 9/11 stories. From CNN to ABC, we salute you in the media world for the excellent footage for those days leading up to and after 9/11. Stories we all have them and or those of us old enough to remember where and what we were doing.
Courtesy Fire and Aviation TV Courtesy Fire and Aviation TV
To all the families and loved ones lost that day unimaginable events changed the lives of others. We can’t imagine the feeling of those on board the planes no matter how many times we watch. For those in the twin towers the sheer magnitude of horror and grief. To the fire department and first responders the sheer magnitude of being in command of such. There is nothing more to be said than they are the bravest of brave. All those who responded to World Trade Center. Those who responded to the Pentagon in Washington DC. Those who responded to the flight crash in Shanksville Pennsylvania from United Airlines Flight 93
Courtesy Fire and Aviation TV Courtesy Fire and Aviation TV
You are Heroes who fought against the terrorists on board those flights. Trying to save the lives of those on board and the ground below. We will Never Forget. For all those brave civilians who helped those in Washington DC and New York helping each other you are a hero for stepping up and helping. You all have stories and take this personal. So, our hearts and prayers go out to all affected on that day as we will Never Forget.
Courtesy Fire and Aviation TV Courtesy Fire and Aviation TV
As President / CEO of Fire and Aviation TV its personal in a different way for me. A short version of 2001 as having spent many days upstate. That day Monday September 10, 2001, having been there before a flight back home that Monday night. The early morning of September 11, 2001, home base airport right after 8.46am eastern time called into the conference room where all were watching the news. A break in my day where latter I was to return to the airport for my management late shift. A major airport looking like a ghost town with planes parked all over the tarmac. As a firefighter and having been in the fire service its personal for us too among other events during that time of September 11, 2001. This is a story and piece of history we will never forget.
Source Fire and Aviation TV 09/10/21