Airport Terminal can go through a lot. Businesses must adapt to survive. Fire and Aviation TV has implemented adjustments and anticipates future modifications.

March 21, 2025, in Britain a fire at a substation caused London’s Heathrow to suspend all air traffic and operations. The fall out was felt worldwide with all those airlines operating in and out of London Heathrow.
Addition to that and more cutbacks in the F.A.A. airspace in and around Dallas, Austin and Houston caused a temporary ground stop. Fire and Aviation TV reported in a timely matter and posted through X media.
As mentioned in the beginning we are making adjustment and for this alone for airports worldwide. In addition to the company’s X media account for fire and aviation, we are merging with another account. Effective March 22, 2025, we have edited and dedicated a X media account see link
Editorial Fire and Aviation TV 03/22/25
Operation Centers Should be Like SDF
By far one of the best Airport operations commands centers we have seen. Two years ago, SDF Louisville Mohamad Ali International Airport opened its new operations center with a lot of great ideas making a well-planned space operational,
During any day-to-day operation anything can happen and sometimes be unexpected. It is almost like the fire service as I used to say we are in the what if business. The layout and design at SDF are by far one of the best we have seen in recent years.
Editorial Fire and Aviation TV April 10, 2024
Airport Operations with Job Opportunities
Airports have many levels and different jobs available. Airport airside operations can be an exciting career for those willing to work. Last spring 2023 Philadelphia International airport was on a hiring recruitment please see the video Courtey of the airport.
Furthermore, every spring there becomes an opportunity across the country for summer positions and apprenticeships. As editor having worked years ago in airports, we clearly encourage those to look at these opportunities. In addition to that the US government has granted many airports large grants to improve and expand the airports. Now is the time to start looking,
Editorial Fire and Aviation TV April 10, 2924
Airport Terminals Building the Future 2024 Onwards
As of January 15, 2024 focusing forward its timely as like Martin Luther King. Many airports have a vison and a dream We too at Fire and Aviation TV believe as we have a dream that is going to be reality.
Building a better future for travel and economy. Pittsburgh is the steel curtain and true believer in keeping it in PA From local fabrication of steel and projects to local workforce proud to take part of a local airport known as Pittsburgh International Airport.
Before the Pandemic shut down the country in March 2020 and during that time we still managed to cover Salt Lake City Airports Terminal project. We keep this story on this page out of respect. More to come but as we begin 2024 shaping up with new projects at Airport Terminals.
Editorial Fire and Aviation TV Video Courtesy Pittsburgh International Airport 01/15/22
Dallas Fort Worth Airport Celebrates 50 Years
There are some remarkable stories and history in aviation. DFW airport by far is one story we love to share. By far an incredible journey that over the years still with honor, respect and pride. WE share courtesy of DFW airport video below. Flight and operations began January 13, 1974.
Having personally flown out of Dallas Fort Woth recently several times in 2023 there is definitely a lot of history to this day posted by picture around. It’s a great airport to fly or connect flights, that personally love. Still to this day building and improvements continue at the airport. Across the cast size a large operation runs great and with safety is the number one priority. Many special guests have graced this airport, and we look forward to the next fifty years.
Editorial Fire and Aviation TV April 10, 2024
Airport Construction Continues to Move Forward
April 10 and we are still seeing airports receive grants and better opportunities to expand and improve. One of the projects we love is the story of Pittsburgh International for which the video below is courtesy of. This is the latest video of the ongoing pride from locals and contractors.
Doesn’t Matter if you’re an airline pr an airport. Bussinesa and working comes with pride and a sense of being a part of the community itself. As editor and founder of Fire and Aviation TV all or life we believe in this. So, we share this story and hope it encourages people from all levels of society to better your own life and those around you to bestow pride. Pittsburgh International Airport is among a number of airports we love to see these stories and brings great Future to the cities it serves.
Editorial Fire and Aviation TV April 10, 2024
Mobile Airport Authority Will Switch Airports
As a study began back in 2018 regarding the possible shift of Airport location for commercial airline service. This began the master plane and study from 2019 through 2020.
The study made it obvious to better service the city and passengers alike to move location from the current Municipal airport to the downtown airport. For many factors that being ten miles away from the highway and other factors up to 55 percent of business was being lost.
The first airline four years ago to operate out of the Downtown Mobile airport was Frontier who flew to Denver then suddenly withdraw service. For a white the airport was without commercial flight service until Avelo Airlines begun servicing a flight to Orlando. Watch this video and see why it makes sense to move it.
Another factor, as we always believe in studies from other airports and history. For example, in 1999 Austin moved their airport to the current location for which a former air force base now known as Austin Bergstrom International Airport. Back in 2020 they estimated it will take five years to make a full transition and building costs $400.00 million over the five-year period. The ultimate goal is to be in full service by 2025. Fire and Aviation TV will visit this subject again later this year 2024 for final updates.
Editorial Fire and Aviation TV. Video Courtesy of Mobile Airport Authority 01/15/24
Airports Division Overhaul Coming Beginning 2024
This year 2023 has by far been a challenge for many. For us at Fire and Aviation TV also the case and in the later part of this year more travel than ever before. We have noticed from many airports we have visited and flown in and out of that vast improvement and others on the way since March 2020 when air travel came to almost a total halt due to coronavirus lockdowns.
There are some airports we had not seen since 2019 and that’s saying a lot regarding our travel of recent. Moving forward we are looking at 2024 to bring this division and our business section to the forefront. Some of you will be hearing from us directly in the upcoming months.
Fire and Aviation TV 12/18/23
Ground Stop Due to FAA System Outage Adds More Delays and Cancellations
Welcome 2023 where already airports across the US and Canada have suffered from a system glitch that grounded all domestic and some international inbound outbound flights, Wednesday January 11, 2023. It was made noticeably clear by agencies and by President Biden that it was not an attack by any means. Turns out a day latter a bad file causing the system to NOTAM to go down.

Airports across the country and Canada had all flights earlier in the day come to a ground stop something that has not been seen since 9/11. Airports and terminal are a lifeline to cities, communities, and commerce. Fire and Aviation TV has experience in both fire and aviation over many years.
Since the last year 2022 and recent major meltdown December 2022 by Southwest Airlines we cannot sit on the sidelines no more. The experience and knowledge that Fire and Aviation TV has will be used and major growth for many years to come. As 2023 begins we begin to fire up our network and improve all sides to better this industry for all of us.
Airports and Airport Terminals we provide by Fire and Aviation TV and expertise in the following four major areas.
Airport Communications
Airport Design
Airport Development
Airport Operations
Four major areas we offer our services to and moving forward build on that experience with more.
Source Fire and Aviation TV 01/12/23
Grand Opening New Terminal Salt Lake City
Its not just a new terminal that Salt Lake City brings to the world of travel and aviation. Airports around the world will be taking not of such a marvel in design and culture that this brings. Sheer excitement for many involved in this project from architecture to honoring the native heritage. Serving more than 26 millions passengers a year prior to Covid19. We believe like millions as time moves forward over a long period of time that we will get through this and grow stronger. Salt Lake City continues onward bound with the planned second major phase of a completely new redesigned airport by 2024
So much history enriches Salt Lake City, and everything had been thought of. Even the airlines like Delta are brining a new era of lounges and style in checking in to flying out. The gateway to the west is the most beautiful refreshing designs ever built to this day. We strongly recommend taking some extra time getting there and taking in the new terminal as you take flight out of the new terminal starting September 15, 2020. Enjoy flying at Salt Lake City Airport and we are authorized in sharing these with you.
Source Fire and Aviation TV 09/14/20
Salt Lake City New Terminal
A far cry from the early days of construction Salt Lake City has and continues to be a great airport. September 15, 2020 is planned for the grand opening of the new terminal. Major addition to the airport at a size of 4 million Square feet of futuristic travel lays ahead. It has the ability to handle 26 million passengers.
We had recently flown in on a very foggy December evening last year and thankful. This airport had graciously allowed and invited us in the spring of 2020 to broadcast and video from the terminal under construction. Unfortunately, Covid19 Coronavirus put a stop to that and all our travels since late February under shelter in place. With this we share on behalf of Salt Lake City Airport this video as we never got to go back and take up on the invite to film.(Video Courtesy of Salt Lake City Airport)
We applaud and celebrate come September 15, 2020 with you from a distance but tell all of you that fly through this spectacular airport terminal enjoy this is part of more to come. As they say out with old in with the new. The next phase with have been told we be completed by 2024 all being well. Congratulations to you at Salt Lake City Airport.
Source Fire and Aviation TV 09/03/20
Fire and Aviation TV Saturday May 16 Update

First of we like to give a million thank you to EVERYONE on the front lines and our front-line hero’s during these very uncertain times. We are extremely thankful to all in the medical profession to first responder, Military, Airline and aviation employees. Volunteers, Grocery store employees and many others during this worldwide pandemic caused by Covid19, coronavirus.
So much has happened and we like millions of areas around this world sheltering in place. A few times we have been extended in our part of the world. There is a reason we have not been active as we like others have been pro active and stayed with the orders of officials. Homestead and immediate family come’s first and we are not a news reporter or news network only. We are involved in both Fire and Aviation that comes with our name. Small amounts of media shared on social media, Twitter and Facebook on our accounts. We also have been grounded like an aircraft sitting on the tarmac since March. We will fly again and so will many others from airlines to aircraft.
As your kicking your heels or kicking the tires we cannot wait to get back as millions of others say the same. By months end there is a light of positive progress where many can join the ranks of others that have already begun their phase 1, phase 2 and more phases to come. Meanwhile we have been idling our engines and ready to get back to normal. There are many projects that we have held back as the year began so did many great opportunities.
Summer 2020 we will be here rebuilding and invite many to join us saying ‘Lets Fly Again”. Fire and rescue departments, we hear you and again we salute you Thank You from the bottom of our hearts.
Editorial Fire and Aviation TV 05/16/20
Coronavirus Changes The World

At the beginning of 2020 nobody imagined in their wildest thoughts we would be in a world of hurt. Covid19 known as the Coronavirus has destroyed millions of businesses and infrastructure itself. Thousands are losing their lives and millions getting sick. Cutbacks and consolidation of airport operations worldwide. We will be here making necessary changes too.
Airport Terminals are like a city among a city. There was a video we watched about Gander International Airport and the history it brings as a city. From early days to 9/11 and to the current day today. Its stories like this that makes you think. We all on this world need to come together. Meanwhile as a company like many airlines we are grounded and have been since March. This page and our company will re evaluate and come back to you serving the industry best way we can. Until then we are in the midst of reevaluating our structure to best serve. There are things we will be changing from this page and the company as a whole. We stand committed to the industry and everyone in this world to serve with a purpose.
Our hearts and prayers go out to everyone effected we will get through this and for now a prayer no matter what religion is a blessing for every day we are here. To all Front-line essential people out there from us at Fire and Aviation TV, THANK YOU FOREVER
Editorial Fire and Aviation TV 04/08/20
Airport Terminals

There is so much to be said about airports from the last decade to this one that is just beginning. We are not about to give all our secrets and ideas away by writing about it. What we are about to do is share airports all over the world with one airport at a time.
New Decade will bring many changes as we know it and without a doubt much more. From years of planning to many meetings and all the red tape it takes just to get started. One thing we are used to from fire and aviation industry is nothing comes easy when you want to get things done. We can tell you is that we at Fire and Aviation TV are here for you more than just that. We are not a newspaper or multimillion-dollar network. However, we bring experience and knowledge for development and marketing.
Given that we are a company that is growing with a media source. What’s more important is developing your airport terminal or terminals as an airport is like a city.
Once again as a reminder if you are an airport and like to know more about our services contact us. We are on other media outlets like LinkedIn, twitter and others. Before the end of 2019 we started contacting a few airports and in communication regarding future development or coverage. More to come as we begin the new year 2020
Courtesy Fire and Aviation TV