First day of fall and millions of us want 2020 to be over with already. Unprecedented times and many strains in both financial and in health for many of us in this world. Covid19, coronavirus has thrust this world into unbelievable times that are more than ever going to change history. The many who lost their lives to families and friends affected one way or another we all pray for better times. Our hearts and prayers go out to those who lost their lives. Millions have lost their livelihood and much more too.
From hospitals, medical facilities to the aviation industry being tried and stretched beyond belief. Covid19 places more restrictions on day to day living then ever before. How we all took so much for granted until coronavirus put a stop to millions of things in this world. As we move forward and time ticks on this world adapts to many changing things. We will come together one way or another and fight this to succeed and bring back better times.
Global warming and natural disasters are far more excelled in this year 2020 than ever before. From earthquakes in places like Salt Lake City in March to even a small earthquake in North Carolina this summer of 2020. While unheard of for North Carolina not quite expected in Salt Lake City which caused moderate damage to spread wide and far. Damage to speak of that morning of March 18 struck a 5.7, breaking water pipes at the old Salt Lake City terminal. Yet still under construction at the time of the new terminal which is now only a week old in operations suffered absolutely none. Why you ask well simple the new terminal is built to withstand earthquakes and part of the planning of the new structure. A state of the art and most modern airport terminal in the western U.S. hemisphere to date.
Natural disasters will always happen at some point or another but 2020 has outdone itself in wildfires as the entire west coast from San Diego to all points north of Oregon have severely been burnt to the ground. Literally to the ground nothing left in many areas heartbreaking to see as thousands of people have lost homes and some lives have been lost too. Tragic in many ways as dangerous for wildlife too this without a doubt the worst wildfire season ever in history. We had read somewhere in many reports that someone mentioned a similarity to the devastating Australian Wildfires of recent, last year.
Then to put a lid on the natural disasters and global warming even today the first day of fall gulf coast resident are dealing with torrential rains and heavy flooding from tropical storm Beta. They ran out of names and using Greek alphabet to name storms. Beta is soaking parts of Texas that is already waterlogged. This Hurricane season is the worse ever and second only in the history since it ever started naming storms. The year was 1950 the only other time they ran out of named storms. This year though to date we have reached 23 named storms and the season is not officially over yet. With this said and done millions more ask is 2020 the year done yet? No, we are officially the first day of fall 2020.
Social media and many made the meaning “we are all in this together” a regular and well known saying. We can say this it is not over yet, but we will overcome this and succeed. Stay focused and determined as many businesses will eventually bounce back. Some will not but its challenges in life that will make you stronger and we pray for all. Fire rescue and medical profession we will always be thankful forever. Everyone that is a frontline hero that means all including grocery stores with thank you always.
Moving forward this fall Fire and Aviation TV is entering phase two October 8, 2020 adding more. As we move forward to getting back to some kind of normal business and better times ahead. Our dedication and years of experience bring you coverage in both fire and aviation industries we are here to stay.
Source Fire and Aviation TV 09/22/20