Saturday morning a week after frigid and deep freeze conditions a letter from Fire Chief of St Louis fire department. The letter went out to all first responders thanking them for providing excellent service in challenging conditions. Record low freezing temperatures which lasted the last week. Without a mere complaint from anyone a remarkable response from fire and rescue services in the city of St Louis.
Having served as a line officer in the fire service always thank all that served on my shift and under my command. Wish others did more like the city of St Louis. Same goes for those who work at airports in the elements.

This last week from Texas to Canada extreme frigid conditions made it hazardous to drive as many were asked to stay off the roads due to artic icy road conditions. Even Ausitn airport one morning this last week seen a rare sight of a dusting of snow. Nothing like February 2021 which came in that Sunday night and closed the airport for five days that year.
Airport operations and as far as Chicago city workers clearing sidewalks for safer passage to public transportation. We all need to show more appreciation for those that worked on the elements to provide us with service and those who we might need.
Fire and Aviation TV appreciates all that are out there helping others get around and be safe. One airport in Texas Austin Airport made a public announcement. Showing appreciation of airport ramp operations and those that made it possible this week to keep the airport operating. That alone means a lot and shows sincere appreciation. Pass it on please this goes out to all.
Fire and Aviation TV 01/20/24